I’m an Engineer working at Squarespace in NYC. Any content, opinions are my own. I write and talk about things that are interesting to me.
My Articles
- Improving Android startup: Initializing Dagger Async
- Leveraging Android Lint Checks - Offline First Mobile Apps Pt 2: Implementation (inprg)
- Painless Dagger+Android+Kotlin
- Offline First Mobile Apps Pt 1: The Blueprint
- Why we need Kotlin Native
- Building a Kotlin Native App on iOS and Android
My Speaking
- Droidcon Vienna Slides - Building apps using Kotlin Native (Sept 19, 2019)
- Droidcon NYC Video - Building apps Using Kotlin Native (Aug 26, 2019)
- Brooklyn Kotlin Meetup- Building a Kotlin Native App on iOS and Android (June 11, 2019)
My Interests
- Server: FAAS, Ktor, HTTP4K, Micronaut, Spring
- Mobile (Android, iOS)
- APIs: REST, GraphQL, Protobuffers